Growth Via Simulation: Here’s how virtual factory floors boost overall business productivity

Case Studies | 3 min read |

A virtual factory floor offers a 3D outline or map of the factory floor, which is then automatically updated in real time through 3D visualization. In industry 4.0, it will be used to grant automated vehicles and robots to work effejkctively and efficiently in constant dynamic environments, while also providing factory managers and other stakeholders to have visibility into the day-to-day factory operations.

This capability is extremely important for manufacturing companies, where it is imperative to have every component of the process working the way it should. And with today’s 3D visualization and data collection technologies, virtual factory floors can simulate every tiny detail of the factory floor and display them via immersive technologies.

To create — or recreate — a virtual factory floor, manufacturers must be able to capture their processes and facilities into a digital twin. This does not only require them to create visual models of the equipment in the factory but also replicate the functioning of the same. Moreover, there must be provisions to collect real-time data from the actual site and relay it to the digital twin so that the virtual factory accurately represents the real factory.

How a virtual factory floor can help business growth

Utilizing virtual factory floors can offer businesses significant advantages in boosting their productivity such as:

1) Enhancing employee training

Implementing new employee training can be quite expensive, particularly in the manufacturing and engineering industries. Therefore, industry giants like PepsiCo and Walmart are training new employees using VR and are forgoing the need for lengthy and expensive training conducted in the real facility.

2) Monitoring the operations

In addition to VR, AR is another technology that is revolutionizing the manufacturing industry. It helps convert factory floors into an interactive virtual area by overlaying all the necessary data on the real equipment. KPIs pertaining to the manufacturing system can be viewed in real time, and any issues can be pinpointed beforehand. As a result, the operations and maintenance personnel can resolve the same to ensure seamless production.

3) Gaining more customers

Virtual factory floors can be used by OEMs to provide their clients a 3D tour of the organization’s infrastructure and manufacturing capabilities and provide them with compelling reasons to outsource some of their assembly or production activities.

Most companies require visibility into the activities of their OEM suppliers’ manufacturing processes. An immersive step-by-step tour of the workings of the manufacturing facility will help them strengthen trust and provide transparency with your organization.

How leading organizations are using virtual factory floors

BMW, the automobile giant, is using AI to improve its assembly line. Before they roll out the production line, the entirety of the manufacturing process will be running in a virtual version of the factory. This simulation will allow the managers to plan the production process in a much more detailed manner. The simulation is a part of BMW’s plan of action to utilize more advanced technologies in their manufacturing activities. Dr. Markus Grüneisl, CEO of BMW, states that machine learning can help to stimulate robots performing complex or difficult maneuvers to make them create a more efficient process.

In the future, virtual simulations will evolve to such an extent that it will allow manufacturers to test out thousands of potential scenarios and decide on the best strategies for their organizations. From enhancing predictive maintenance to increasing the safety of humans, virtual experiences will revolutionize the factory floor in more ways than one.

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