Most Common Industrial Marketing Challenges

Industry Trends | 11 min read |

Industrial marketing, also known as business-to-business (B2B) marketing, refers to promoting and selling products and services from one business to another. An example of this is a company that manufactures industrial machinery for the construction industry, such as excavators or bulldozers. Another example would be a software company selling cybersecurity solutions to other businesses. In both these examples, the target audience is not individual customers but businesses, organisations or large institutions.

The industrial marketing field addresses the unique needs of businesses and involves complex, technical products. Key activities include market research, product development, pricing strategies, distribution management, and cultivating long-term relationships with industrial buyers.

In today's globalised world, industrial marketing is crucial for business success due to several factors. Globalisation expands market reach, allowing companies to target international customers and tailor strategies to meet their needs. Additionally, industrial products require sophisticated marketing to educate customers about technical aspects. Moreover, industrial marketing's emphasis on building strong customer relationships is vital for retention and long-term success in a competitive landscape. Although this type of marketing is crucial, it comes with its fair share of challenges.

Industrial marketing challenges include the complexity of technical products and services, demanding a deep understanding and effective communication. Lengthy sales cycles require personalised engagement and meticulous negotiations. The professional audience requires data-driven strategies and fierce competition calls for innovation. Success requires a comprehensive grasp of the audience and a strategic, patient approach to nurturing client relationships. Here are some statistics that highlight the current state of industrial marketing:

  • Industrial manufacturing companies spend only 1-3% of their revenue on marketing.
  • 35% of companies state that lack of budget is the most significant obstacle hindering marketing improvement.
  • In a survey of content marketers, 51% of respondents identified two key challenges: creating valuable content instead of sales-oriented material and breaking away from traditional marketing and sales thinking. Additionally, 50% mentioned their difficulty in accessing subject matter experts for content creation.

How Can We Understand the Complexity of Industrial Marketing?

Industrial marketing and consumer marketing are distinct in several ways, with notable differences in sales cycles, transaction sizes, and product complexity:

Sales Cycle

  • Industrial Marketing: In industrial marketing (B2B), the sales cycle tends to be significantly longer. This is because industrial purchases often involve complex, high-value products or services that require careful consideration, evaluation, and often multiple stakeholders' approval within the buying organisation. Decision-making processes in B2B can be protracted, involving extensive research, negotiation, and contract formalities.
  • Consumer Marketing: In consumer marketing (B2C), the sales cycle is typically shorter. Consumers generally make quicker purchase decisions for lower-cost products or services, driven by factors like personal preferences, emotions, and immediate needs. The decision-making process is often more straightforward and may not involve as many decision-makers.

Transaction Sizes

  • Industrial Marketing: Industrial marketing transactions usually involve larger financial values. Businesses may purchase expensive machinery, equipment, or specialised services that represent significant investments. These larger transaction sizes require thorough evaluation, budget considerations, and financial planning.
  • Consumer Marketing: In consumer marketing, transaction sizes are typically smaller. Individual consumers make purchases for personal use or household needs, and the financial outlay is usually lower compared to B2B transactions. While consumers may make frequent purchases, each transaction tends to be less financially substantial.

Technical Nature of Products

  • Industrial Marketing: Industrial products and services often have high technical complexity. These offerings may require in-depth knowledge, training, and expertise to use effectively. Marketing strategies in industrial marketing need to focus on educating potential buyers about the technical specifications, features, and benefits of the products or services.
  • Consumer Marketing: Consumer products are generally less technically complex. They are designed for ease of use by a broad range of consumers. Marketing in consumer markets often emphasises emotional appeal, branding, and lifestyle factors, rather than technical specifications.

In order to simplify explaining the technical aspects of the products, businesses can leverage several marketing solutions available in the market today. One such innovative solution is 3D marketing by Exhibit 360.

How Exhibit 360 Helps in Industrial Marketing

Exhibit 360 offers a range of services that can significantly assist in mitigating industrial marketing challenges:

Virtual Showroom

Exhibit 360's virtual showroom creates immersive digital environments showcasing industrial products or solutions. This allows potential clients to explore and interact with products as if they were physically present.

  • Complexity of Products: Virtual showrooms simplify the presentation of complex industrial products or solutions, making it easier for potential buyers to understand their features and functionality.
  • Global Reach: This service transcends geographical boundaries, enabling companies to reach international customers without the need for physical showrooms.
  • Extended Sales Cycle: Buyers can revisit the virtual showroom multiple times, aiding in the decision-making process during long sales cycles.

3D Product Configurator

Exhibit 360's 3D product configurator allows B2B clients to customise and visualise industrial products in real time. Users can tailor products to their specific requirements.

  • Personalisation: B2B clients can configure products to meet their unique needs, increasing the likelihood of a purchase as the product aligns precisely with their requirements.
  • Reduced Decision Time: The configurator streamlines the decision-making process for B2B buyers by enabling them to experiment with different product configurations and see immediate results.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Personalised product configurations can lead to higher conversion rates, as B2B clients are more likely to commit to a purchase when they have actively participated in customising the product.

3D Product Demos

Exhibit 360's 3D product demos provide interactive, dynamic presentations of industrial products or solutions. These demos can simulate product operation, assembly processes, and real-world use cases.

  • Effective Product Demonstration: Product demos effectively demonstrate industrial products' technical features and capabilities, building confidence in B2B clients about the product's suitability for their needs.
  • Tailored Presentations: Demos can be tailored to showcase specific use cases or industry applications, helping B2B clients envision how the product can address their unique challenges.
  • Ongoing Engagement: B2B clients can access product demos anytime, allowing them to revisit and share the content with decision-makers, ultimately expediting the sales process.

In order to successfully utilise marketing solutions, it is crucial first to understand the various industrial marketing challenges.

What Are the Primary Industrial Marketing Challenges?

Target Audience Complexity

In B2B transactions, decision-making units (DMUs) involve multiple stakeholders with varying needs and priorities. These stakeholders, including initiators, influencers, evaluators, decision-makers, and buyers, each play distinct roles in the purchase process. Initiators identify the need, influencers exert influence, evaluators assess options, decision-makers give the final approval, and buyers execute the transaction.

Understanding and effectively communicating with these stakeholders is vital for B2B marketers to navigate the complex purchasing process and align their solutions with the diverse concerns and interests within the organisation. Building trust and tailored communication are key to successful B2B sales.

Changing Technological Landscape

Remaining current with industry technology and trends is a challenge in the industrial market due to established practices and strict regulations. Industrial sectors often deal with long-standing and established technologies that have been used for decades. Transitioning to newer technologies requires significant investment in research, development, and retraining of the workforce, which can be daunting for many organisations.

Moreover, industrial businesses often have long product lifecycles, deterring them from adopting the latest tech due to the need for compatibility and integration with existing infrastructure. Adapting to digital transformation can be challenging due to potential operational disruptions, demanding careful planning and significant resources to minimise downtime and enhance efficiency.

Absence of SEO

Some industrial businesses overlook SEO due to traditional marketing practices and misconceptions about its relevance. However, neglecting SEO means missing out on valuable online visibility and potential leads. B2B buyers heavily rely on search engines, and competitors who invest in SEO gain an advantage.

Content relevance and keyword optimisation are vital in SEO, especially in the technical industrial sector. They improve search engine rankings, connect with potential clients seeking specific solutions, and drive desired actions like contacting the business or making purchases. Neglecting these aspects reduces online visibility and a missed opportunity to engage a broader audience.

Lack of Clear Insight into Buyer Preferences

Some companies may not invest sufficiently in market research due to various reasons. One common factor is cost concerns. Another reason can be due to insufficient in-house expertise. This can lead to businesses limiting their ability to comprehend buyer preferences and meet market demands. Moreover, fear of negative feedback can cause businesses to ignore customer opinions. This can lead to a lack of understanding of buyer preferences and a potential mismatch between products and customer needs.

Misinterpreting market insights has major adverse effects on marketing strategies. For example, if a company wrongly sees a drop in consumer interest as a temporary issue instead of a long-term shift, it may invest in declining areas, wasting resources. It can also lead to messaging and targeting mistakes, where campaigns don't connect with the audience, reducing effectiveness and potentially alienating customers.

Regulatory and Compliance Issues

Navigating the complex landscape of industry-specific regulations is a formidable challenge for businesses operating in various industrial sectors. These regulations can be highly intricate, encompassing safety standards, environmental requirements, quality control measures, and more. Complying with such regulations is not only a legal obligation but also essential for maintaining industry credibility and reputation.

Marketing strategies can't effectively promote a product or service if it doesn't meet the regulatory requirements of its intended audience. Non-compliance can lead to a loss of trust among customers and partners, damaging brand reputation and hindering long-term relationships.

Global Competition

Understanding and adapting to diverse cultural nuances in international markets is a crucial yet challenging aspect of industrial marketing. Each culture has its unique customs, values, communication styles, and business practices. Failure to grasp and respect these cultural differences can result in misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and even offence, severely damaging business relationships and reputations.

In a globalised marketplace, the need for localised strategies becomes increasingly essential. While globalisation offers opportunities to reach a broader audience, it also presents the risk of overlooking local nuances and preferences. Companies need to invest in cross-cultural training and market research to understand the preferences and expectations of their target audiences in various regions. This helps in customising marketing messages, product positioning, and customer engagement strategies to match local cultural norms.

No Clue What’s Working and What’s Not Working in Industrial Marketing

Tracking and analysing marketing campaigns is crucial in industrial marketing for several reasons. It provides insights into the effectiveness of marketing efforts, allowing businesses to determine what strategies are working and what needs improvement. This data-driven approach helps optimise resource allocation by identifying which marketing channels, messages, or campaigns yield the best results.

Moreover, tracking and analysis enable businesses to adapt to changing market conditions and consumer behaviours. To better measure campaign efficacy and ROI, businesses should set clear, measurable goals for each campaign, like lead generation or increased sales, and track progress using KPIs like click-through rates and conversion rates. Employing analytics tools for real-time monitoring enables prompt adjustments, and A/B testing can refine strategies, enhancing campaign effectiveness.

Lack of Confidence in Digital Marketing

Resistance to digital marketing in traditional industries often stems from familiarity with conventional marketing methods like print advertising and trade shows. Decision-makers may lack awareness of digital marketing's potential and find it daunting. Moreover, the perception of digital marketing as expensive or complex can deter smaller businesses with limited resources.

Overcoming this resistance requires educating decision-makers about digital marketing's effectiveness, setting clear goals, and dispelling misconceptions about cost and complexity. Some businesses think digital marketing is only for consumer-focused industries, not realising its relevance in B2B or industrial niches. Others expect quick fixes and immediate results, underestimating the time and effort needed for digital strategies to deliver significant returns. These misconceptions can lead to premature judgments about digital marketing's inefficiency and hinder further investment.

Setting Expectations

Overpromising and under-delivering in business can be especially damaging in trust-dependent industries like the industrial sector. It creates unrealistic expectations among clients and stakeholders, leading to disappointment and a loss of trust. This can lead clients to seek alternatives and spread negative feedback, which is especially harmful in long sales cycle industries, where overpromising can harm partnerships and revenue.

To align stakeholder and client expectations, prioritise transparent communication. Be open about achievable objectives, potential challenges, and setbacks. Provide accurate timelines and regular updates, and listen to client needs. Consistent delivery of promises and a client-centric focus build trust and foster realistic expectations.


In the dynamic landscape of industrial marketing, businesses must be proactive, continuously seeking innovative solutions to meet changing client needs. From navigating complex regulations to overcoming resistance to digital transformation, businesses face hurdles that demand adaptability and innovation.

To tackle some of the common industrial marketing challenges, make sure you explore Exhibit 360. Leverage their cutting-edge services, from virtual showrooms to 3D product configurators and demos, to elevate your marketing efforts. Embrace innovation, adapt to change, and seize the future of industrial marketing with Exhibit 360. Contact us today and embark on your journey to success in industrial marketing.

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    Exhibit 360 is a solutions platform by Blues N Coppers. Exhibit 360 offers endless possibilities for brands to create interactive experiences for their customers and enable sales right from the web browser.

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